Nodalis offers specific services for cities in the emerging world.
The approach developed by Nodalis covers all the dimensions of the sustainable city issue and recognizes two central needs in particular :
- Strengthening the financial, human and technical capacities of local, intermunicipal and national project owners,
- Accelerating investment in basic services and the well-being of city dwellers, by calling on a multiplicity of actors, particularly private ones.
Nodalis designs innovative institutional, financial and contractual mechanisms for governments and cities in emerging countries, either in a project/program approach, through ad hoc operational arrangements for investment, or in a systemic approach through tools for strengthening decentralization, the local financial framework and local management (budgetary operations, results-based programs, technical assistance programs).
Nodalis also regularly supports leading public and private institutional actors in defining their sectoral intervention frameworks for sustainable cities and in structuring an innovative financing offer for cities in emerging countries. We base our recommendations on an operational practice of all the financial tools available for the sector, including green financing and non-sovereign loans and guarantees.
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