
Nodalis Conseil participated on July 7th and 8th, 2016, with other consortium’s members (RTE and Price Waterhouse) to the inception of the support mission for the operationalization of SONATREL, a new government-owned enterprise that is to become the electricity Transmission System Operator for Cameroon.
The launch of the mission, in the presence of the Water and Energy Ministry, was the occasion to present the consortium’s methodology and to exchange with sector stakeholders, among others, the Ministry of Water and Energy, ARSEL (the electricity sector regulation agency), SONATREL, ENEO (the private integrated concessionaire of Cameroon’s electricity sector), and EDC (the government-owned asset-holding company for the sector).
This 18-months mission aims at supporting the Government of Cameroun for this complex institutional and technical transition, setting virtuous bases for an effective power sector capable of fast growth and of attracting Independent Power Producers in the best conditions.