The production of hydropower energy in Laos, and the export of this energy to neighbouring countries, has been in continuous expansion for several years and is subject of important commitments between Lao PDR and its neighbours.
International Finance Corporation (IFC), in partnership with the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) and Electricité du Laos (EDL), wishes to assess the potential for development of a 500 KV high voltage "corridor" through an “Independent Power Transmission” (IPT) model, that would link Lao Sekong province to Pleiku in central Vietnam. This would be the first “IPT” project in the region. As a consequence, IFC recruited EDF to carry out the full pre-feasibility study.
Nodalis, under the direction of EDF, has been working with IFC since May 2020 on the economic, financial, commercial and structuring aspects of the project.
To do so, Nodalis’ team mobilizes its combined expertise in public-private partnerships and power transmission. In particular, Nodalis carried out the project contractual structuring analysis (on the basis of a separate legal due diligence), as well as the financial and economic project modelling and the financial structuring analysis, in particular with regard to risk coverage. Nodalis is currently focusing on a market sounding to validate the interest of power plants developers.