
Nodalis has started an audit of the electricity sector for the Guinean Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics (MEH), with the aim of drawing up strategic recommendations and their associated implementation roadmap regarding the organisation, operation and financial balance of the sector.

As a four-year management contract of EDG (Electricité de Guinée) comes to an end, these recommendations will be based on a complete diagnosis of the system's key causes of underperformance. The analysis will include a review of the legal, regulatory, and contractual framework, of the sector’s organisation and EDG's operational and financial performance, IPP performance, as well as current and future tariff balances.

The mission is part of an effort to reform the sector, aiming among others at putting in place a future framework law. This follows recommendations made in 2011 by Nodalis in the context of a Diagnostic and Recovery Plan for the electricity sector, updated in 2013, which led to supporting the implementation of the management contract in 2014-2015 and to its review in 2017. Nodalis has also been working in Guinea since 2006 within the framework of the WAPP and OMVG, for financial, tariff, legal and institutional studies involving the CLSG line and the Kaleta and Souapiti hydroelectric facilities.