
Nodalis, in a consortium with ISL, Idesun, Capsim and Oréade Brèche, carried out a feasibility study on behalf of WAPP and SOGEM for a project to hybridize a solar photovoltaic power plant with a total capacity of 300 MWp with the existing Manantali hydroelectric plant.
During a 3-day workshop organized by the WAPP General Secretariat and SOGEM in Dakar, we presented the results of the studies carried out, focusing in particular on the comparison of a floating PV plant with a land-based PV plant, on the optimal hybridized operating mode taking into account the multi-use constraints of the Manantali reservoir, and on different potential structuring modes (private or public project ownership).
Based on this work, a group of experts - made up of representatives of OMVS (SOGEM and SEMAF), the ministries in charge of energy and the electricity companies of OMVS member states - was able to recommend to decision-makers the best option (between a land-based PV power plant project and a floating PV power plant), and between a public contracting structure (SOGEM) and a private contracting structure (IPP).
The presence at this workshop of the OMVS High Commissioner, the WAPP Secretary General and senior representatives of the electricity authorities of Senegal, Mali, Mauritania and Guinea testify to their commitment to the realization of this innovative and emblematic project for the region and, more generally, for the continent.
Nodalis and its partners would like to thank each of the organizations represented at this workshop.
@World_Bank ; @Haut_Commissariat_de_l'OMVS ; @OMVS ; @SOGEM ; @SEMAF ;
@WAPP ; @Secretariat_General_du_WAPPP ; @PIPES_WAPPP ;
@EDM ; @Senelec ; @SOMELEC