
Nodalis Conseil was awarded in January 2016 a study relative to the institutional assessment of key actors involved in urban water management of Greater Antananarivo in Madagascar. The study has been launched by the World Bank following the floods that occurred at the beginning of 2015 and that have greatly affected Antananarivo. To address the vulnerability of Antananarivo’s plains, the World Bank seeks to implement an integrated urban water management (IUWM) approach for the capital.
As an initial step for building an IUWM approach, Nodalis Conseil, in partnership with OIEau, is currently leading a quick assessment of the institutions involved in water management for Greater Antananarivo. The study aims at providing a baseline of how institutions work together and what is their current role in the sector. The Consultant will identify the capacity gaps and bottlenecks for service provision and will provide recommendations and options for better coordination between the various institutions.